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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Selling Is Like Buying A Bathing Suit

"It's my least favorite season of the year, bathing-suit season. I don't know why we can't be shaped like all those eighteen year old boys they design those suits for." - Diane Ford

Shopping for a bathing suit is right up there on my Top 10 Ways to Torture Yourself.


Because finding something that is the "perfect fit" (and you know what I mean here- that somehow the Bathing SuitFairy will magically take 10 pounds off your ass)

But you know what?

It is always worth the effort to find the "perfect bathing suit for you."

Before I went to the Caribbean this spring I spent 2 hours with a sales girl who had a "behind" the size of an apricot.And she did offer expert advice and she reduced most of the pain from the mirrors!

And you know me - as I was twisting, turning, and sweating during the process I thought "I am going to turn this into an article someday!!"

Here's How Bathing Suits Are Like Selling:

* One Size Does NOT Fit All. In selling you need to smarten up. Quit trying to be something for everyone. Who is your target audience or better yet - WHO SHOULD BE your target audience?

* Tight Bathing Suits Are Too Constricting (GASP). That's right - sometimes you need to release clients that don't fit anymore. Perhaps they don't pay enough,or you just aren't getting the "warm fuzzy factor" anymore. Or perhaps they have outgrown you or you have outgrown them. Either way - respectfully release them.

* You Gotta Know Your Strengths Baby! Bathing Suits are all about marketing. Playing up your strengths and not focusing on your weaknesses What are the biggest assets you bring to a client? How you can help them the most and does your marketing reflect this?

* Cheap Bathing Suits Look Cheap. You get what you pay for. Are you not spending money in areas that you REALLY SHOULD be? ie/ creating an e-zine, follow-up with your customers, improving your product or service on a consistent basis. Obviously there are areas you want to save money, however, never should it be at the expense of your reputation or brand.

* Your Bathing Suit From 1994 No Longer Does It. Yes - your fancy schmancy logo from 10 years ago cost you $500 to get designed. (Although let's be honest - someone you KNEW probably designed it for you!) But those days are over girl. Everything needs an overhaul every now and again. Even your business. What part do you need to throw out?

So what was the result ofmy bathing suit experience? I found 2 "smokin" bathing suits and I easily raised the temperature of the Caribbean water by at least10 degrees.

And in regards to my business - I have been doing TONS of traveling, working like crazy on products, carving and reshaping my products and services to all new HIGHS of DIVA-NESS!

Take a good hard look at your business under those HARSH LIGHTS and see what you need to adjust. Remember - you can keep tugging but eventually what doesn't work WILL expose you!

Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides savvy, sassy sales training for women small biz owners and entrepreneurs. Kim works with clients internationally, showing them The Sales Diva secrets to success!

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Posted by cmgrboncopyprodwrd94282 | 9:39 AM |

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