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Friday, February 29, 2008

12 Steps To Turbo-charge Your Visualisation

1. Every night, half an hour before retiring, go to your room, where you can be entirely alone and as remote as possible from noise and distraction.

2. Seat yourself in a wide and comfortable chair, or, better still, lie down on your back at full length. See that your clothing is loosened, so that you will suffer no distressing annoyance on this account. Compose yourself as if for sleep, assuming a position of restfulness, abandon and utter relaxation. Close your eyes, letting the lids rest lightly on your cheeks.

3. Shut your mind resolutely against every form of bodily sensation. Forget for the time that you are encumbered with a body.

4. Bar out of your consciousness every memory, every thought of the past.

5. Build a mental picture of the thing you want to have, to do or to be - the one thing that you immediately desire first and most of all. By this we mean nothing indefinite. We do not refer to ultimate aims that can come only as the result of long periods of effort. We mean something specific, something that can be yours tomorrow, something that in itself constitutes the next step in your chosen career.

6. See yourself finding the ways and means of realizing your desire, overcoming obstacles one after another, all the obstacles that can possibly arise. See yourself called upon to display, and displaying, alertness, promptness, courage, confidence, resourcefulness, patience, push, enterprise, expert knowledge, insight, shrewdness, tact, self-control, decision. See yourself face to face with the situation that confronts you in real life and manifesting the qualities and doing the things necessary to your purpose. Put yourself body and soul into this picture. Multiply details. Rivet your mind upon it.

7. Advance step by step, logically, wisely, consistently, to the climax of the drama. See yourself winning out. See yourself solving the problem, getting the thing you want, acting the part you desire to play. Detach your spirit from the flesh of this world and incorporate it in the mental image of yourself. Live the victory mentally until a sense of its reality permeates your soul.

8. Make your dream picture as delightful as possible. Dwell upon it with joyful satisfaction. Warm your heart with a feeling of thankfulness that that which you have so long desired is really yours. This feeling of gratitude, this emotional element, will bring forth associations that will give life to the picture and will animate your faith. Keep yourself tight shut in this dream world for at least fifteen minutes.

9. Arise and make your preparations for the night. Then upon retiring once more close your eyes and let your mind dwell upon your vision for five or ten minutes or until you fall asleep. Let it be the last thing in your thoughts as you become unconscious.

10. Every time you are awake during the night call the mental picture before you and keep it in consciousness as long as you remain awake.

11. In the morning, immediately upon awaking, repeat the procedure set out in the third, fourth and fifth instructions.

12. The more of your spare time you spend in this way, the more promptly will you actualize your ideals. By repeated concentration, every detail of the image of your desire will be so deeply engraved upon your mind as to exert an influence throughout the day. It will inhibit wasteful emotions and impulses. It will give you poise and self-possession. It will so inspire you with its promise as to awaken an energizing response in the profoundest depths of your subconsciousness.

By Colin Joss © 2006

Colin Joss is the founder of Back Roads Marketing and publishes a free 'On the Back Roads' newsletter at

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Posted by cmgrboncopyprodwrd94282 | 11:19 PM |

Generic Flash Movie Business Presentations A Success

Interactive Flash Movie Presentations explode your sales by adding a giant thrill to your business! The great thing is that they are now affordable for everyone.

Some people think their products sell themselves. Think again! Unfortunately products don't jump of the shelves into the arms of customers and prospects. New wave internet pro MLMers use flash presentations. Why do they use them? A flash movie presentation holds your prospects attention so they can get all the information across.

Websites try to keep you reading but how long will it keep a prospect reading? We all prefer to sit back and absorb a movie presentation. PLUS, it allows your prospects to hold and retain the information up to 10 times longer than text alone!

It doesn't matter what type of product, service, or program you are promoting, video presentations WORK.

Most company sites have a lot of information ready to overload any prospect. Your aim is to motivate and get their details for automated and or personal follow-up. It has been said that people need to see an ad or offer about seven (7) times before they buy. This shows the extreme importance of follow-up. But the first problem is motivating MLM prospects to giving you their information to follow up on. This is the job of the Flash Movie Presentation.

How much do they cost and can I afford one? The good news is that you can. You can have the below three (3) Generic video presentations tailored to the home based business industry for less than $1 a day, They are generic enough to rip rocket the momentum to whatever MLM or business you are promoting.

I highly recommend you get the full deal with these generic movies. You can run these movies in many combinations with other MLM software management tools.

For example: Send your prospects to a Lead Capture Page, that captures their name, email address, phone number and the amount of money they are interested in earning per month or week ( let's you judge their level of interest ).

After they have have given their contact details the site automatically takes them to one of the above Flash Movie Presentations and when it's finished sends them to your company site to join your business.

You could use the movie as a reward for them giving you their contact details. Their contact details can then be automatically sent to you for personal follow up as well as automatically entered into an auto-responder for automated lengthy informative follow up.

Remember "The money is in the follow up!"

Different Automation Styles:

Lead Capture Page goes to Flash Movie then goes to your Company Site
Flash Movie goes to Lead Capture Page then goes to your Company Site

Prospect information from the lead capture page is automatically sent to an auto-responder that has pre-entered editable generic follow up messages that are set to go out on predetermined intervals and or when another person signs up or joins to let all prospects know encouraging them to join etc. For less than $30 a month you can have all this working for you and your team.

For more on MLMs and Heavy Hitter Secrets, see more of Michael Brymer's MLM Articles at his website. To listen to streaming radio as you surf the net, Download a Free PC Radio from his website.

Read More Of Michael Brymer's Heavy Hitter Secrets at

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Posted by cmgrboncopyprodwrd94282 | 10:16 AM |

Feb 26, 2008 Feb 27, 2008 Feb 28, 2008 Feb 29, 2008 Mar 1, 2008 Mar 2, 2008 Mar 3, 2008 Mar 4, 2008 Mar 5, 2008 Mar 6, 2008 Mar 7, 2008 Mar 8, 2008 Mar 10, 2008 Mar 11, 2008 Oct 24, 2008 Oct 25, 2008 Oct 26, 2008 Oct 27, 2008 Oct 28, 2008 Oct 29, 2008 Oct 31, 2008 Nov 16, 2008 Nov 18, 2008 Nov 20, 2008

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